research and content creation

GlobePrep Business Consultancy


For Globeprep I was in charge of handling all digital marketing and branding. Globeprep is a business
consultancy that provides professional solutions, training and insights
After completing the preliminary branding as seen here, i then moved to the digital aspect


I first conferred with the team and we developed content for the social media. I then created the content per week and scheduled it. The content would go out on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

It was important that all the consumer touchpoints online were uniform and so I tried to incorporate an integrated marketing experience.

I would also post to the main website and include short links to allow users to refer to the website.

This would include doing further research about topics that interested the company such as professional development, insights, economics, business tips, and keynotes from the CMI (Chartered Marketing Institute). I would then write short articles about the research and present it on the website blog

the bag

Graphic Design

Globeprep Business Consultancy

Digital Marketer, research, graphic designer, copywriting and editing

To date

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