i am the church

Holloway SDA teens


Holloway SDA teens were holding a Teens day with the theme ‘I am the Church’ . A close homie tasked me with creating a poster to convey this message;

“We are trying to get the teens to take ownership of the church, if they don’t do anything then there is no church- the church is dead”


My thought process began with the theme. ‘I am the church’ and finding a font where the ‘i’ could represent an icon of a person perfectly. It took some time but i found ‘Arial Rounded’ . I then used a more dominant font to represent the rest of the title.

All the imagery used was to bring out the message of the teens of the church, rising above

the bag

Poster Design, Design, Presentation,

Holloway SDA church, youth department

Programs used
Pinterest- For inspiration 
Adobe Photoshop CC

Graphic Designer

Nov 2018

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